The Thirtienth Anniversary Celebration
Of the
Barrington Lyric Opera Group
Will be held at the beautiful
Medinah Country Club

Press Party
Ruth poses with Mira Horowzowski and Beatrix Kopesdy

Ruth is working with Penny Knopik and Jan Semerad, the chairwomen of the event and Scott Caple, Medinah's Catering Manager to make sure that all the proper etiquette and protocol will be observed at the anniversary party in May, 1998

Ruth has donated to Medinah Country Club some of her booklets entitled, Tips on Modern American Dining Etiquette and her video, Dine Don't Just Eat!

Ruth is with Frank Kopesdy, the owner of F.K. Jewelers which is located in the Foundry of Barrington. Mr. Kopesdy has generously donated a strand of pearls which will be auctioned at the gala event. The proceeds from the evening will be donated to the Lyric Opera Center for American Artists.

Ruth is checking the tables the evening of the Lyric Opera party to make sure that everything is perfect. She was in charge of selecting the flowers for the evening which were from Loferndo's in Elmhurst. She and her husband also sponsered the Lyric Opera group at Medinah Country Club and contributed to the golf package which was auctioned at the event.

Ruth, Norm Andrews, the auctioneer, Dale Kern and Judy Andrews enjoy a laugh during the cocktail hour at the party.

Ruth and Christine Seitanakis get caught laughing. Glenne McMonigal and her husband Jim are in the background.

Ruth and Dale enjoy a romantic dance. No, they are NOT in a dance contest! It took great persuasion on Ruth's part just to get Dale on the dance floor.